Dream World in Thailand

Dream World
Dream World is the absolute stuff of kids! You won’t get out of here until they are exhausted… and you know how long that takes! This is a big American-style theme park with all the trimmings. Corkscrew, Bumping Cars, Swinging Viking Boat, Rollercoaster – they are all there, and more besides. My personal favourite is the Giant's House where everything is 50 times as big as it should be – very convincing and it would be an absolutely great place to have a party. The Super Splash, and White Water Rapids are water rides and please note: You will get wet! Dream World also has a full fledged go-kart track and ‘Snow Land’ – a display of artificial snow (although this attraction is not included in the main ticket fee). Dream World also features a live ‘Hollywood Action Show’ which up until recently had a dubious display of Nazi Storm Troopers successfully invading an Allied camp. Many people are glad that the current focus has changed to a SWAT team invading a criminal’s den. This is well worth the trip. If you have kids (and the time) definitely take them. 

Details: Located Vibhavadee - Rangsit Highway, Dream World is open daily from Open Daily 10:00 to 17:00. Admission is 450 Baht per person with children below 90 centimetres free of charge..
How to get there: Given the distance involved, and the fact that you are probably taking a child, a taxi is recommended. Although expensive, the savings in convenience entirely outweigh the cost. Even better, a number of hotels and travel agents organise tours to Dream World. If you count up all of the costs they often work out cheaper than going yourself and are well worth considering.
The following buses will get you there:
Air-conditioned bus number: 523 (from the northern bus terminal) and 538 (from Victory Monument).
It is possible to take some of the journey by train. Go to Don Muang train station departing Hualampong train station. When you arrive at Don Muang take air-conditioned bus number 538 to Dreamworld.

List of Main Attractions:
 7 Wonders of the World ,Dream World Railroad ,Cable Cars, , Water Tricycle,Racing Cars, Love Garden, Speedy Mouse Coaster

This is first 1 dream world :)



Water Proof Chicken said...

Thailand is cool but I'm scared of getting kidnapped!

David said...

Looks fun:D

Primitive said...

looks so neat =)

Naj said...

wow, judging by the picture, the place looks awesome!.

Michele said...

Awesome pics!

Anonymous said...

That's a crazy place

moxie said...

I like the pictures.

Discerning Gentleman said...

this definitely helps

loloriz0r said...

the 2nd pic kinda remembers me of Jacko's Neverland Ranch


Rawr said...


lk clip said...

I love these pics

Survivor said...

which part of thailand is this?

StarWarsMadness said...

What a wonderfull country.
Constant Luv!
May the FORCE be with you!

whatthefudge said...

More pictures pls ? <3
Followed ;)

BLUERAD said...

beautifully written and great pictures yet again, your making me want to go to Thailand =P

amanda pepsi said...

Very nice, I'd like to go there one day

Unknown said...

Thai food is quite good for me !

Kevin Tuck said...

wow! nice photography!

The Cockshiner said...

I had no idea Thailand had such nice, expensive looking resorts.

lancerevil said...

3rd rate Disney world?

Nau said...

soooo awesome!

MC said...

That shit is pimp!

Biff Tanner said...

Soooo Nice

nuttinbutapeanut said...

A lovely place!

Mr. Bloggity said...

LOL nazi storm troopers, cool post!

Student said...

I am sure Thailand has a lot to offer, and I'd like to visit it once, but it's just not on the top of my list right now. Nice picture.

Archivist X0042 said...

never been, cant wait to go!

Mayela said...

These pictures are so colorful and neat
Thanks for sharing with the Internet!

Jimmy Volmer said...

I learned something from this.

bezzare said...

looks awesome always wanted to visit thailand

Silly Old Bum said...


Joshua said...

You need to stop tempting me with these awesome locations lol

Parallel-Reality Hero said...

That's a very nice post you've written there; keep up the good work! Showing daily love!

haiguize said...

if i had kids i would take them here! hell i just might go myself!

Food said...

Lots of nice flora scattered around there.

brogan bogan said...

I wanna go there naaooooooo hehe :D nice blog dude.

Anonymous said...

That giants house sounds awesome.

Anonymous said...

such a wonderful place!

Skunkfunk said...

looks like a real dream world

Tim said...

This is far more gorgeous than any American theme park I've seen, and that includes Disney World. Nice post.

Gangrenous said...

thats not the only thing in thailand that interests me
check out my blogs if you are interested in the likely economic collapse/some sick politics

Archivist X0042 said...

i wanna go so bad

CetaPara said...

I should really get there looks very inviting. :)

Rusty Cage said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Life Through Fog said...

i have heared good things about that

Anonymous said...

just showin support.

whatisthisidonteven said...

i wish i could go there!

Airmac said...

Wow, its beautiful !

Amuse said...


West0o3 said...

Damn chinks LOL

ViNCENT said...

looks like jackos neverland ranch with the clock and the flowers... creepy!

DinoHunter said...

I can't get enough of this blog!

Anonymous said...

Wish i could go there :)

Blinkin said...

wow this looks nice!

Anonymous said...

Thailand looks absolutely beautiful!
Get me some plane tickets. ^.^

Siryn said...


ChaosReaper said...

I DEFINITELY want to party in the giant house! :D

Silly Old Bum said...

Pedobear is crying!!!! Where are the kids? ;-;

Archivist X0042 said...

that place is crazy...

Airmac said...

Me and my gf wanna visit such a park one day :)

tienstormirk said...

nice. If I have kids someday, this will be an option!

Isaac J Holt said...

I wish that shit was around when I was a kid.

Ante Babaja said...

it is really a dreamworld

CawlinForReal said...

Sweeeeeeeeet. I wanna live there.


Anonymous said...

i must go to dream world mate.

suzychen said...

dream world huh? Not really my kind of think but I'm guessing there's lots of hot Thai staff working there...

Discerning Gentleman said...

Thanks for the update!

Lewis said...

greate post ;)

Mark said...

Looks awesome

tomsmthrs said...


remzi said...

Wow looks fun

Dilly Skates said...

it sure is a dream world

- Enfermo - said...

I like ur content!

g15 said...

this is cool!

J. Antonio said...

god! what a complete post
I have a blog about travel and stuff

Thanks for the support ;)


Netto Hikari said...

dream world looks like a great place

Anonymous said...

Why is Thailand so god damn awesome?

Anonymous said...

looks like a beautiful place!

Horror Movies 101 said...


daily updates ftw!

GaryMFOak said...

WHOOOAAAAH I wanna go so bad!

annoymouse said...

yeah.. i wanna go!!

Lewis said...

wow i love thailand

iammyself said...

awesome plants!

Horror Movies 101 said...

i want to gooo soooo badddd

GaryMFOak said...

What if you had a dream of going to dream world!?

Mr. Bloggity said...

looking forward to a new post!

Brandon Tompkins said...

cool story bro keep up the good work.

Shane said...

Sounds like a disney ripoff

Skutt Panda PO said...

What if you had a dream of going to dream world!?

Skutt Panda PO said...

wow i love thailand

Skutt Panda PO said...

god! what a complete post
I have a blog about travel and stuff

Thanks for the support ;)


Skutt Panda PO said...

I like ur content!

Skutt Panda PO said...


Skutt Panda PO said...

Sweeeeeeeeet. I wanna live there.


Skutt Panda PO said...

I wish that shit was around when I was a kid.

Skutt Panda PO said...

nice. If I have kids someday, this will be an option!

Skutt Panda PO said...

Me and my gf wanna visit such a park one day :)

Skutt Panda PO said...

Thailand looks absolutely beautiful!
Get me some plane tickets. ^.^

Skutt Panda PO said...


Skutt Panda PO said...

just showin support.

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